FAQ People & Society
The population of Curacao per 1st of January 2023 consist of 148.925
The total population of Curaçao during the Census of 2023 was 155,826
Marriages and Divorces
Marriages | 2020 | 2021 |
Resident marriages | n.a. | 408 |
Non-resident marriages | n.a. | 92 |
Total marriages | n.a. | 500 |
Crude marriage rate | n.a. | n.a. |
Divorces | 2020 | 2021 |
Divorces | n.a. | 328 |
Divorces per 100 marriages | n.a. | n.a. |
means of Transportation to work Census 2023
Means of transportation | ||
Works at home | 3.6 | |
In car/truck/van as a driver | 69.6 | |
In car/truck/van of someone from the household | 6.3 | |
In car/truck/van of someone out of the household | 3.2 | |
Public transportation | 9.1 | |
Taxi or small bus (private) | 1.2 | |
Motorcycle/moped/scooter | 0.3 | |
Bicycle | 0.3 | |
On foot | 3.5 | |
Other | 1.4 | |
Not reported | 1.6 | |
Total | 100.0 | |
Source: CBS Curaçao Census 2023 |
Employed Population by Means of Transportation to Work, Age, and Sex – Census 2023, Curaçao
Employed Population by Means of Transportation to Work, Age, and Sex – Census 2023, Curaçao
The table titled EC-7. Employed population by means of transportation to work, age and sex, Census 2023 presents data collected by the CBS Curaçao Census 2023 on how the employed population commutes to work, segmented by means of transportation, age groups, and sex.
Means of Transportation Overview
The data categorizes transportation into ten distinct modes: works at home, in car/truck/van as a driver, in car/truck/van of someone from the household, in car/truck/van of someone out of the household, public transportation, taxi or small bus (private), motorcycle/moped/scooter, bicycle, on foot, and other. Additionally, a "Not reported" category is included.
Age and Sex Distribution
The employed population is divided across four age groups: 15–24, 25–44, 45–64, and 65+. Each group is further divided by sex (male and female), with a grand total and not reported section included.
Ages 15–24: Among this group, there are 4,786 employed individuals, including 2,495 males and 2,291 females.
Ages 25–44: This group includes 25,992 individuals, with 11,912 males and 14,080 females.
Ages 45–64: The 45–64 group consists of 32,395 employed individuals, including 14,938 males and 17,457 females.
Ages 65+: In this group, there are 4,034 employed individuals, composed of 2,186 males and 1,848 females.
Transportation Modes Totals
Works at home: A total of 2,389 individuals reported working from home.
In car/truck/van as a driver: 46,831 people reported driving themselves to work.
In car/truck/van of someone from the household: 4,250 individuals commute this way.
In car/truck/van of someone out of the household: 2,140 people use this mode.
Public transportation: This category includes 6,180 commuters.
Taxi or small bus (private): 794 individuals use this form of transport.
Motorcycle/moped/scooter: 195 people reported using these vehicles.
Bicycle: 195 individuals commute by bicycle.
On foot: 2,368 people reported walking to work.
Other: 947 individuals fall under this category.
Not reported: 39 individuals did not report their means of transport.
Grand Totals
The total employed population accounted for in the table is 67,246 individuals, comprising 31,531 males and 35,676 females, with 39 not reporting their mode of transport.
Live birth
babies born
Fertility | 2022 | 2023 |
Total live birth | 1232 | 1170 |
male | 625 | 596 |
female | 607 | 579 |
Migration | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
Total emigration | 5,564 | 5.728 | 4.988 |
Total immigration | 3.337 | 3.930 | 4.498 |
Social Affairs
Minimum wages per 1st of January 2024 (per hour)Minimum loon | ANG 11.28 |
Social Securities
Number of persons receiving social securities | 2021 | 2022 |
General Old Age Insurance (AOV) | 49.648 | 51.544 |
General Widow's and Orphans insurances (AWW) | 2.931 | 2.856 |
Illness Insurance (ZV) | 36.727 | 38.782 |
Basic Health Insurance (BZV) | 143.847 | 140.178 |
Source: Social Security Bank |
Total visitor's tourist arrivals | 2023 | 2024 |
Cruise arrivals tourists | 710,769 | 834.922 |
Day trippers tourists | 19,763 | 35.498 |
Stay over tourists | 582,409 | 700.249 |
Total | 1,312,941 | 1,570,669 |
Source: Curaçao Tourism Board |
Employed population by level of income | |||
Male | Female | Total | |
No Income | 1565 | 1474 | 3039 |
1 - 500 | 468 | 469 | 937 |
501 - 1000 | 1024 | 1605 | 2629 |
1001 - 1500 | 1511 | 2559 | 4070 |
1501 - 2000 | 1943 | 3127 | 5070 |
2001 - 2500 | 4044 | 5120 | 9164 |
2501 - 3000 | 2895 | 2735 | 5630 |
3001 - 3500 | 1833 | 1950 | 3783 |
3501 - 4000 | 2219 | 2370 | 4589 |
4001 - 4500 | 425 | 409 | 834 |
4501 - 5000 | 1281 | 1446 | 2727 |
5001 - 7500 | 3485 | 4349 | 7834 |
More than 7500 | 2801 | 2162 | 4963 |
Not Reported | 6056 | 5921 | 11977 |
Grand Total | 31550 | 35696 | 67246 |