2023 Census

The census, or population count, is a crucial statistical operation that, according to United Nations guidelines, takes place every ten years. The purpose of a census is to provide a comprehensive and detailed snapshot of the population and living conditions within a specific area.

For the census population in Curaçao, this includes all individuals who have been residing on the island for a year or longer, or who plan to stay for more than a year. During the census, these individuals are surveyed on various characteristics, including demographics, marital status, religion, health, fertility, education, labor force, and income. Additionally, one member of each household is asked questions about the dwelling.

The most recent census in Curaçao took place from  September 2nd  to October 20th, 2023. This official period was extended until the end of February 2024. This population count occurred slightly later than the usual ten-year interval, as the previous census was conducted in 2011. Due to unforeseen circumstances, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the census originally scheduled for 2021 was postponed.

A significant innovation in the 2023 census was the transition to a digital system. The survey was conducted using tablets, allowing questions and responses to be tailored specifically to each individual. This marked a significant change from previous censuses, which were conducted using pen and paper.

In September 2023, approximately 650 enumerators took to the streets to collect data. They visited a total of 76.410 building points, of which 60.075 were actually inhabited dwellings that participated in the census. Businesses, vacation homes, and vacant or dilapidated houses were also recorded.

To study the data from the previous census you can use this link: https://digitallibrary.cbs.cw/census